Nine Important Questions To Uncover Your Purpose

To discover and clarify the purpose for work and projects, here’s a good framework I rely on:

Purpose is at the intersection of what we are good at (STRENGTHS), what we love to do (PASSIONS), and the needs of who we serve.

Based on this framework are nine important questions I always ask when clarifying purpose for clients’ projects.


  1. Why did you start your business? / Why do you do what you do?
  2. What do you love to do?
  3. What are your dreams?


  1. What are you good at?
  2. What resources do you have?
  3. How does your offering benefit who you serve?

Needs Of Who You Serve

  1. Who do you serve?
  2. What do they need or want?
  3. Why do they have that need or want?

I’ve prepared a mini poster with these nine questions for you to stick on your wall, whiteboard, or fridge. It’s in PDF format and there are two copies of the poster on the page. Print it out, cut it in half, and share the other half with a friend or coworker.

Tim Cook explains what purpose is

Speaking at Oxford last fall, one of the topics Tim Cook talked about was purpose:

I have begun to think through... What is my purpose in life? I was struggling with a lot of things both professionally and personally at that time. And it began to dawn on me then that the purpose of life wasn’t to love your job. It was to serve humanity in a broad way. The outcome of doing that would mean that you would love your job.

You can find the video here.

LINK: In Conversation with Apple CEO Tim Cook - The Oxford Foundry Launch