Round up of purpose statements

Here are some purpose statements I encountered recently.

Insurance Australia Group

IAG’s purpose is: We make your world a safer place.

This means, whether you are a customer, partner, employee, shareholder or part of the communities that IAG serves across Australia, New Zealand or Asia, IAG exists to make your world a safer place.

We believe our purpose will enable us to become a more sustainable business over the long term, and deliver stronger and more consistent returns for our shareholders.

Purpose and Strategy | IAG Limited


Nourishing families so they can flourish and thrive.

We are a company of promise and possibilities. Each day represents a fresh opportunity to share Our Vision, live Our Purpose.

By being mindful and committed to these ideals, we uphold our founder’s dedication to people and their well-being. And we promote an environment where we can push beyond boundaries and across borders to create foods and brands that help to fuel the best in everyone everywhere.

It is this belief that brings us together and sets us apart.

Our Vision & Purpose


We believe all sustainable progress is driven by people with the imagination and determination to improve their future and the futures of those around them. We empower people and organisations to realise their own vision for a better future – however modest or grand. Our purpose therefore is: Empowering people to stay a step ahead in life and in business.

Purpose & Strategy | ING